My imagination camp

🏕 Camp is a thing we do every year from yr 5 to yr 8 and it is the most 🤯 exiting part of the year! School🏕  camp is in 3 more days and we are creating what our school 🏕 camp would be if we got to choose what we would do, and where it will be🌍. I did a story with 5 paragraphs, the story  had to have 4 things for it, Accommodation, 🍎 food, activities, and how we will earn the 💵 money. Activities like this embrace my imagination  and make me feel like I can do whatever I desire. I understand if you don´t want to read it all it is quite long but I would really appreciate hearing back from you and hearing how I can improve on my learning. 📚


My💡idea of a class camp 🏕

In our writing work today we had to write out our expectations of a class camp trip. My idea is pretty hard to imagine because it would be very expensive, but everywhere is expensive these days so why not. This took about an hour to write because I had to find some true facts and look on google to find good info in there. I won’t make this blog post too long because you have a lot of reading to do on the explanation writing. Where would you go on a class camp of your choice?

Link to writing

20 ways to show kindness

When your kind it can really change others lives! Kindness is a big virtue to show, it can sometimes take courage to be kind. In today’s R.E task , we had to create a grid on any tool we wanted, obviously I chose Canva because Canva is a really great tool to use! In this 5 by 4 Grid we had to place in each square a way to show kindness, I made mine to look like a poster, witch was super cool but you could do it by making  a slide show or a picture, my friend Despina made a really cool slideshow, go check it out ( link )

  click on the link to see the words

Jesus is our model

Talofa Lava 🤪 I cant believe it is week four all ready! How is you’re start to the year ? Anyways in week three we started creating in RE, a slideshow about Jesus our model. For this task we needed to find a scripture that related to our subject, say if the subject was forgiveness, I would say Jesus showed forgiveness when he forgives our sins. Once you completed that you would have to find proof of it, so I would put it down (Mk 2:5) next to it.

I found this task a little bit challenging. But what do you think, could I have added more or is it fine as it is ?


Mindset tasks

It is a lovely Monday morning and yes I’m doing a blog post 🤯  Last week we started Learning about our growth / fixed mindsets. If you have a growth mindset It will take you very far in life, but fixed mindsets mean people can have hard times learning from mistakes. Our task was to create an info-graphic poster, we all had three choices on what to make our posters on. here are the examples

1. Be curious and open-minded in our attitudes.

2. Be open to learning new skills, and enjoy the challenge.

3. Learn from our failures – they can teach us even more than our successes. 

I chose to do one about the third one, It was a quick / easy task to design. I enjoyed learning about the difference between growth and fixed mindsets. Do you have a growth or fixed mindset ?


DLO: We are learning to use keyboard shortcuts to make life easier using the computer.

Its week three and the intermediates of NBC have been working on animations. My animation has my bestie driving a car around the world.  This probably took 40 minutes of work in three days. I’ve made many animations at school / home, but this one was smooth but also really boring. Before we started we had to design a plan so I have a plan first.
What do you think my next animation should be about ?



MANU ! 🏊

Talofa Lava every one, I hope you have had a delightful holiday so far!Manu's are 
when you jump in to the water making a move that looks like when you put your feet
up high, and head against the top of your leg, while placing your hands on your head 
protecting it. 

I am probably not the best person to ask about the manu because I haven't done it 
myself! but I have seen a lot of people do It before in the pools.

The task for the manu was to create an animation of a person doing a manu, so I did.
It took about 10 to 15 mins. I suggest if you want to make an animation, and you want
good pictures do it on Canva, but if you want it to be clear do it on google slides!

If you made this task how did you feel about it, did you enjoy it or not like it?
Click on the link and it will hopefully come onto the animation  

My Imaginary Fish 🐟

Kia Ora, Kiara here making another blog about the SLJ. The task today was called Aquatic animals, In this activity we had to create your own imaginary fish! When I created mine, I first made my fish mixed with a dragon but then just changed it a little bit. This was super easy and great for people that do not have a lot of time. Thank you to Charlotte, Mrs Stone and Blane for commenting a lot! It feels great to hear your comments!

Yellow Ice Cream Soda

Today is the 1st of Jan!!! It is the beginning of 2025, and I am doing the SLJ. Before I get started, I just want to say I hope everyone is having a great start to the year and had so much fun during 2024!

In this activity we had to make our own beverage, I really enjoyed this one because you could use your own creativity to make this happen. If you want to you can follow along and make your own.

I think the drink was okay but I think the cream put it off. If you created your own what do you think of it

( click the link to see the instructions )


Palolo 🪱

Konnichiwa, today the 27th of Dec, I decided to have a look at a task on the SLJ, I chose to do the task about the palolo, the palolo is a sea worm that you can eat, and it is usually found in pacific islands. In this task we had to design a graphic about the Palolo. I researched pictures and facts and found out that they can bisect, which means they can be split in half and can still live.  I made my palolo by the shape called hexagons, I traced a line that I made by using the polyline tool. What do you think? And what can I do next time to improve?